Mulheres em movimento : identidade coletiva e subjetividade nas praticas culturais de lazer na cidade de Diadema




This study aims at the process of increasing of the social rights and of the citizenship of a group of women - from the city of Diadema, a metropolitan region of the Grande São Paulo - who started the fight for the right of access and continuity of the leisure activities by means of the cultural practices found in the universe of the corporal techniques derived from the individual and collective identities. The collective "Mulheres em Movimento" when carne into being in the context of the popular fights of Diadema claiming for the right of the development of the cultural leisure practices - brought contributions to the public sphere and agenda for the therne of the women s material lock and subjective necessities, in a visible effort of defense and reproduction of the rights as to the difference and to the different. Dealing with the women who exposed their experiences, the study tried to analyze how women belonging to this collective subject built a link between the private sphere (the domestic universe) and the public life; the individual identity and the collective action


subjetividade movimentos sociais mulheres administração municipal lazer genero

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