Mulheres nos sympósia: representações femininas nas cenas de banquete nos vasos áticos (séculos VI ao IV a.C.) / Women at sympósia: gender representation in banquet scenes in Attic vases (VI - IV a.C.)




Our goal in this research is to evaluate the iconographic models of banquet scenes with women, dialoguing with the main theories on Greek vases imagery. In this way, we try to understand how the iconographical parameters reproduced by Attic craftsmen were built, and we compare the Greek artifacts with material culture of different places and periods. Based on a corpus with scenes of women at symposia, our study takes in account the modern debates about this subject and the archaeological approaches on the figured documents.


archaeology greek banquet iconografia de mulheres gregas banquete grego figured vases iconografia do banquete vasos figurados arqueologia greek women iconography banquet iconography

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