Multiple steps are required for the induction of tumors by Abelson murine leukemia virus.


Helper virus-free Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) was used to induce monoclonal pre-B-cell tumors in mice. The clonality, patterns of immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene rearrangement, tumorigenicity, and v-abl oncogene expression in individual preleukemic and leukemic colonies were compared. Our results indicate that A-MuLV preleukemic cells with low or undetectable tumorigenic potential give rise to leukemic cells with high tumorigenic potential by a process of subclone selection. The levels of v-abl oncogene product in preleukemic and leukemic cell populations were not significantly different. These results suggest that an additional event(s) unrelated to the level of the v-abl protein product is required for A-MuLV-transformed cells to become fully malignant.

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