Mutants of Escherichia coli altered in both genes coding for the elongation factor Tu.


Genetic analysis of a mutant of Escherichia coli resistant to the antibiotic mocimycin is presented. This resistance is due to alterations in both tuf genes coding for the elongation factor Tu. Mocimycin resistance is recessive. Bacteria carryong only one tuf gene from the resistant mutant are still mocimycin sensitive. If the mutant gene is the tufA gene, the seisitive cells can be made resistant through inactivation of the tufB gene by insertion of the bacteriophage milliunits genome. Conditional mocimycin-resistant mutants ban also be isolated when the tufB gene is altered by an amber or a temperature-sensitive mutation. When only the tufB allele from the original mocimycin-resistant mutant is present, inactivation of the wild-type tufA gene fails to give viable mocimycin-resistant progeny. We conclude that the tufA mutant allele codes for a functional mocimycin-resistant EF-Tu, whereas the mutant tufB gene does not code for a functional product.

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