"Não existem mais intermediarios entre o governo e o povo" : correspondencias a Getulio Vargas - o mito e a versão (1937-1945)




This work addresses Vargas power project, trom 1937 to 1945, known as "Estado Novo" (The New State), in the scope of its effects, that is, the men and women who underwent the process. To do so, the bountiful correspondence which was sent to Vargas by these common men and women during the unfolding ofthe events was examined, focussing on how these people dealt with the regime s messages and affirmation procedures and how a communication policy process between them and the regime was established, particularly with Vargas himself Thus, within a limited tramework, which in any case was not controlled by civil society during the Estado Novo and the regime s strategies to establish cJoser links with the public, targeted at obtaining consent, adhesion and political control, these letters are viewed here as a peculiar and plausib!e way of participating in that períod. This proposal presupposes that when the people "handled" the project drawn up by the Varguista regime to organize and control society, instead of taking a resigned and passive stance, the workers and people interpreted it according to their own cultural values, seeking to achieve their goals of obtaining advantages, rights and the carrying out of justice, creating a paradoxical state of affairs which simultaneously ratified and contested the regime s dominating procedures. Thereforc, notions such as social justice, the family as a base for the Oíganization of society s values, highlighting work and workers as a source of making the nation greater, thereby making this everyone s duty, nationalism, patemalism, and above all the ideology of lhe Getulista era and the mystique created around the president (lhe Vargas myth), re-appear under a new light and different political contexts



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