National socials goals and federalism in Brazil: the need of national integration of the social data information systems / Metas sociais nacionais e federalismo no Brasil: a necessidade da integração dos sistemas de informação social




This purpose of this research is to study the importance of national integration of the social data information systems as an essential instrument for public policy planning with a view to Brazils social and economic development and to the countrys social goals. The lack of an integrated system corroborates the level of improvisation of the Brazilian public administration and shows how fragile the State is in preparing and implementing policies to foster social and economic development. Social policies are not based on a diagnosis of their quality, nor are there indicators to monitor the implementation and results of such policies. Moreover, public authorities do not consider time limits or goals for the social area. That is why this study supports the need to establish social goals, rather than fiscal goals only, to which the executive authorities will be committed so as to include social development as a target to be reached through public policy planning. Having such approach in mind, in this study we conducted an analysis of the concept of social-economic development, public policy planning and information, considering also the use of national social goals, utilizing, as an example, the UN Millenium Development Goals, in addition to examining the current responsibilities of the local governments and discussing the importance of federal coordination in attaining country-wide goals. This study resulted in a draft proposal for the national integration of the social data information systems, including certain technical and legal aspects involving the implementation thereof and a ratification of the importance of such integration in order to reach the countrys social goals


social indicators information system millenium development goals economia metas sociais federalismo -- brasil planejamento público public planning objetivos de desenvolvimento do milênio indicadores sociais brasil -- politica social indicadores sociais -- brasil sistema de informação desenvolvimento social -- brasil social goals

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