Nonlinear sequence-dependent structure of nigral dopamine neuron interspike interval firing patterns.


Firing patterns of 15 dopamine neurons in the rat substantia nigra were studied. These cells alternated between two firing modes, single-spike and bursting, which interwove to produce irregular, aperiodic interspike interval (ISI) patterns. When examined by linear autocorrelation analysis, these patterns appeared to reflect a primarily stochastic or random process. However, dynamical analysis revealed that the sequential behavior of a majority of these cells expressed "higher-dimensional" nonlinear deterministic structure. Dimensionality refers to the number of degrees of freedom or complexity of a time series. Bursting was statistically associated with some aspects of nonlinear ISI sequence dependence. Controlling for the effects of nonstationarity substantially increased overall predictability of ISI sequences. We hypothesize that the nonlinear deterministic structure of ISI firing patterns reflects the neuron's response to coordinated synaptic inputs emerging from neural circuit interactions.

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