Nós em rede: informação, corpo e tecnologias




We and our Connections is an academic research which dialogs with the Art field, intending to evidence the relations among information, body and technologies. In the development of this work, it was established at first the principle of body as the prime informational human support, constituted by the continuous exchanges between the environment and everything originated from it. Information, as sign, seen through the contemporary cultural perspective, performs an active role mediating the relations between the body and any phenomenon in the world. And this relation becomes more complex with the increasing and intensive use of information technologies, approximating men and machines. In this sense, we tried to investigate the cited triad aiming to identify, characterize and reflect the relations between information and body, interpolated in the usage context of information technology, focusing the informational process and the body reconfigurations at this environment. By informational process we mean the perception, reception, processing, production and dissemination of information executed by human beings. In this perspective, we have taken, as object of our study, the dance collective of creation, Movasse, in the development and production of its work Imagens Deslocadas (Displaced Images). In that way, we accompanied the creation phases of the play, occasion in which was possible to make interviews with the artistic team. This accompaniment originated a vast research material which allowed us to map the creative generation of that work. To set up the argumentative basis of this research, there was elaborated a theoretical discussion involving the dialogue established by sciences and body, embracing its historical and contemporary aspects and the Peircean Semiotic Theory, combined with the Information Science authors that discuss the information in its social aspects. The theoretical approach has also considered authors from distinct fields as Communication, Philosophy and Arts. In the analysis procedure, we have taken as base-concepts the semiosic conception and the intersemiotic translation, seen through the informational texture of Imagens Deslocadas. As a consequence of this reflection about the creative process, it was possible to us suggest and make clear the way in which the creative net, constituted by dancers and the production team, interacted and translated semiotically the informational process involving bodies and digital technologies. Reflecting about the body through an informational perspective, this work tried to proportionate an enlargement of Information Science research frontiers. This is possible when we see the body as a meaningful object in the human interactions mediated by technological devices.


corpo humano aspectos simbólicos teses dança teses ciência da informação teses. tecnologia da informação teses

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