Novel Nematode Amber Suppressors


Nine amber suppressor mutations were isolated in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans by reverting amber alleles of a sex-determining gene, tra-3. One suppressor maps to a known locus, sup-5 III , but the other eight map to three new loci, sup-21 X (five alleles), sup-22 IV (two alleles) and sup-23 IV (one allele). Amber alleles of tra-3 and of a dumpy gene, dpy-20, were used to measure the efficiency of suppression; the sup-21 and the sup-22 alleles were both shown to be heterogeneous and generally weaker suppressors than sup-5 alleles, which are homogeneous. The spectrum of mutations suppressed by a strong sup-21 allele, e1957, was investigated and compared to the spectra for the amber suppressors sup-5 III and sup-7 X, using amber alleles in 13 assorted genes. Some of the differences between these spectra may be due to limited tissue specificity in sup-21 expression.—Suppression of dpy-20 was used to show that the sex-linked suppressors sup-7 and sup-21 are not dosage compensated in male (XO) relative to hermaphrodite (XX).—Several uses of amber suppressors are critically discussed: for identifying null mutations, for varying levels of gene activity and for detecting maternal mRNA.

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