Nuclear georeactor origin of oceanic basalt 3He/4He, evidence, and implications


The National Academy of Sciences


Nuclear georeactor numerical simulation results yield substantial 3He and 4He production and 3He/4He ratios relative to air (RA) that encompass the entire 2-SD (2σ) confidence level range of tabulated measured 3He/4He ratios of basalts from along the global spreading ridge system. Georeactor-produced 3He/4He ratios are related to the extent of actinide fuel consumption at time of production and are high near the end of the georeactor lifetime. Georeactor numerical simulation results and the observed high 3He/4He ratios measured in Icelandic and Hawaiian oceanic basalts indicate that the demise of the georeactor is approaching. Within the present level of uncertainty, one cannot say precisely when georeactor demise will occur, whether in the next century, in a million years, or in a billion years from now.

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