Nuclear structure of 64Cu / Estrutura nuclear do 64Cu




The main goal of this work is a study of the odd-odd nucleus 64Cu using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy. For this study, the fusion-evaporation reaction 51V(16O, 2pn)64Cu at 70 MeV bombarding energy has been performed with the 8-UD Pelletron TANDEM accelerator of the Universidade de São Paulo. The target consisted of a 4.4 mg/cm2 foil of 51V with a 7.0 mg/cm2 Au backing. Gamma-ray and evaporated charged particle coincidences were measured with the SACI-PERERE -ray spectrometer, composed of 4 Comptonsuppressed GeHP and an ancillary system of 11 E-E plastic phoswich scintillators. Ten new -rays and a new excited state have been assigned to 64Cu. Due to low statistics, only one transition could be placed in the known level scheme of 64Cu. The gammaray multipolarities were determined using the Directional Correlations of -rays from Oriented States of Nuclei (DCO) technique. The results were compared with Shell Model calculations using the Antoine code with the GXPF1 and fpg effective interactions, developed for use in the pf shell and pfg shell, respectively. The results obtained with this model have shown that the 64Cu excited states could be described by particle-hole excitations and these states are characterized by wave functions with configuration mixing.


física moderna nuclear structure experimental physics nuclear model nuclear physics modern physics estrutura nuclear modelo nuclear física experimental física nuclear

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