O armazenamento de grãos nas regiões da Grande Dourados e Sul-fronteira do Mato Grosso do Sul com o Paraguai: um estudo de caso




The present work had as objective to define the static capacity of storage of grains in the microregions of Dourados and South-Frontier of Mato Grosso do Sul State, defined in MS2020 Project and located in the region of frontier of Brazil with the Paraguay. The instrument used to obtain that was, firstly, the survey of theoretical referential on the storage, the state of the Mato Grosso do Sul and the region of frontier. The second step was the data-collecting of the production of grains in the cities of these microregions, in the period of dez/2001 jun/2006, in relation to offers of warehouses of the type in bulk and the conventional way. For the data-collecting of the supplies and the production, had been considered data of IBGE and CONAB. It was adopted as reference for the calculation of the static capacity the amount of grains gotten in the referring production to the cited period, of which had been deduced the availability of capacity of storage for microregion. The gotten results had signaled that it doesn t have deficit of the static capacity of storage of the conventional type, mainly in the Great microregion of the Dourados. The microregion South-Frontier possesses an imbalance in the capacity of stockage of prompt focus, in the stockage area in bulk, showing cities as local potentials to receive investments in magnifying. Therefore, it can be concluded that some cities could extend the storage capacity to facilitate the displacement of the grains for the storing units; however, the two microregions, in the generality, do not need to extend its storing system. By the way, the planned expansion of the storage system can contribute to minimize the losses in the draining of the production, once that the state is very distant of the ports. Thus, an intermodal logistic (more competitive) integrated with a system of planned storage can diminish the involved total cost to drain the production of the grains in the State until the delivery places.


administracao storage grains grãos armazenagem

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