O bacharelado em recreação e lazer da FEF/UNICAMP




The objective of this research was to identify the contradictions of the formation of Physical Education workers at FEF/UNICAMP, taking as reference the conception of extanded formation defended in the document Draft of Resolution on Curricular Lines (2005), produced for Group LEPEL/FACED/UFBA. For such, we initially present some beddings on labor and its centrality in the human being formation, the reorganization of the world of labor and the spalling of the formation. We also searched some elements on Leisure and its relation with labor, considering labor as fundante category of being, which can be organized in a ontological sense, as well as in an alienated sense. We dealt with the implications of this bedding for human being formation, in a more general way, as well as for Physical Education and the Leisure, in a more specific way. We also characterized the documentary and the qualified sources, as well as our samples selected for the study. The analysis of the documents related to the formation proposition of Physical Education workers materialized by the FEF/UNICAMP, was acompliched from empirical categories, such as society or historical project conception, Physical Education conception, Physical Education workers identity, science, university and curriculum conception, teaching-research-extension conception, as weel as human formation or education. We mediated the analysis throught the theorical categories class strugle and the contradiction. We presented and we characterized the Paradigmatical scheme (SANCHÉZ GAMBOA, 1998) from which we analyzed our documentary sources, and a thematic questionnaire envoy to the bachelors in leisure and recreation, our qualified sources, in intention to reconstruct their professional and academic historical trajectory. Finally, we presented the analysis of the studied formation proposition and of the testemonies collected from the egresses, which indicated that the absence of categories that can base a formation proposition can lead to the process of despoliticizement of the public university, of the proposition itself and also of the graduation course?s egresses. The analysis also shows that the concrete reality points the necessary reunification of the Physical Education workers formation around its historical identity related to teaching. We still detact that the experience of FEF/UNICAMP on spalling the formation between Teachers and Bachelors, according to the Curricular Lines determinations in force for this area, had strengthened the spalling, had become an important legacy for the analyses regarding the meaning of the separation of Physical Education workers from their historical identity


formação educação fisica lazer projetos educacionais bacharelado

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