O casarão da várzea visto por dentro : trajetórias escolares de alunos do Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre




This research examines how Porto Alegre Military School students build their school trajectories, using as tool semi-structured narrative interviews conducted with 22 students of this institution during the period 2005 to 2008. The Military School of Porto Alegre is a Basic Education school in operation since 1912 and it is a member of the Brazil Military School System, which comprises 11 more units maintained by the Brazilian Army. The school serves military depends and the admission of civil students occurs through an extremely disputed public competitive examination for which apply, in some years, more than 50 candidates per vacancy for high school level. The institution is currently the last of 12 Military School that that maintains the boarding school in order to serve children of militaries who are working in remote locations. Aiming to build a broad spectrum of the different ways to experience student life at this different school, 22 students, who have different marks like gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic integration, academic performance, fitness for physical activity, boarders, popular students, were interviewed. The research shows that for its respondents, mostly from social sectors not economically privileged, the entrance to the school is marked by the conviction that higher education can be achieved by preparing school held at the institution. The effort to build and complete a course in this school is reinforced by the prospect of employment after completion of university studies. Simultaneously, the interviews show the efforts made, the mechanisms and gimmicks produced to ensure the permanence of these students at that institution. The study addresses the specific meanings the students have in relation to the school routine and how, by using small daily practices, they give new meanings to it. In order to better show this, the research rescued part of the military education history, some aspects of the history and current functioning of the Military School of Porto Alegre, analyzing daily rituals and school festivals through the narratives and extensive photographic material. The photographic images help to understand significant aspects of these practices and it highlights the ways in which the centenary architecture works in the construction of the school curriculum, setting up areas of awareness, producing a specific aesthetic of the school rituals. Research has shown how, in this specific school, social marks such as gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic integration receive new meanings. Among the 22 trajectories of the children studied, 4 were analyzed because, considering the institutional features, they are unlikely paths: the path of a boy of Indian ethnicity, the trajectory of a student who became mother during their school life in the Military School and two students who had their bodies considered unfit for physical activity after enrolling in school. The narratives of these school paths, conducted by its protagonists ¿ the students ¿ show how the experiences in the school are marked by the school performance, institutional basis of meritocracy, and point to a present belief among the interviewees: the idea that through an excellent education it is possible to build the future.


fotografia escolar alma mater military school porto alegre school trajectories colégio militar de porto alegre. alma mater school photos trajetoria escolar

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