O conceito de tempo em Aristóteles e sua ressignificação como momento oportuno no âmbito da ação humana


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aristotelic text entitled "treat of time", which corresponds from chapter 10 tc chapter 14 in Physics book 4, is where Aristotle s analysis regarding the definition of time in its physical sense is found. According to this purpose, the first two chapters of "treat of time", chapters 10 and 11, are decisive and constitute an argumentative and cohesive sequence that will culminate with the definition of the concept of time concerning its physical bounds. Taking into consideration that to undestand the way in which the concept of time used by Aristotle, mainly in its physical conveyance. comes up with a restructured meaning as the suitable moment in the bounds of ethics and politics, it is fundamental, if not essential, to primarily examine and define the concept of time in the physical bounds. Regarding the emphasis that each concept acquires and the specific qualities contained in the relationship between the terms that define time, it was therefore suitable to analyze in details each one of the terms in order to understand exactly the concept of time in its physical meaning. In the bounds of the human field, the practical dimension of man was analyzed according to the way time, an eminently physical concept, is understood by man. The investigation focuses the bounds of human action by trying tounderstand the dimension of its axiology and its purpose. Finally, trying to complete the study concerning the concept of time in Aristotle and its restructured meaning as the suitable moment in the bounds of human action, it was still the purpose to understand how time is shown in the bounds of human action and acquires a new restructured meaning. Therefore, this analysis was divided in theree parts: first, it was necessary to understand the concept of voluntary action, of choice and deliberation, which are essential concepts to the practice of the virtuous action. After the analysis and understanding of such concepts, it is important to focus on the study about phrónesis,: a fundamental concept for the understanding of the virtuous action and serves as. the basis for the analysis of the restructured meaning of the concept of time as the suitable moment, which takes place in the third and last part of the third chapter


filosofia tempo momento oportuno ressignificação aristoteles -- critica e interpretacao tempo -- filosofia time suitable moment restructured meaning

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