O Desencantamento das Ciências: Estereótipos e Ambigüidades das Ciências e Tecnociências no Cinema e na Literatura Científica




In this Thesis we work as its gave the institutionalization of the scientific production in Brazil. We undertake analyses on the actions of the SBPC and the scientists who spoke in its name in order to point out the existence, already since its foundation, of behavior of transnational character, consolidated in the priority of the absolute externalidade of science in relation to the nationalities. In addition, we explore diverse relations of affinity between the system of production of scientific and technoscientific knowledge, the cinema and the behavior in the way of capitalist production. The moment in which if starts according to consolidate the system of production of knowledge in Brazil restrictions and demands, imposed for the resource to the justification of the contribution for the construction of the State nation, is the same which the technoscientific production does not start to disclose to its preferences for a transnational system of exchange and elaboration of knowledge. We approach the paper of the cinema as vehicle of essential symbolic and incorporeal subjects to the development of the global technoscience. We choose the cinema in reason of its transversal and potential character to transdisciplinar, implicit to the continuous transit of the symbolic goods. We approach the stereotypes of the scientists how much to the malleability and easiness of it appropriation on the part of the technoscientific complex, without that they seem to be of fact manipulated by the scientists and technoscientists. Finally, we argue as the eugenics renews if in an environment aseptic politician, which Nazism or seems to be "only history" or revive in the stereotypes behaviors of young neo-Nazis expressing racism exceeded and soil; we also argue on the necessity and the possibility democratically to institute if imposing limits to the technoscientifics developments.


sbpc tecnociências eugenia história cinema estereótipos dos cientistas historia moderna e contemporanea ciência ciências, cientistas

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