O desenvolvimento político concebido a partir dos conceitos de governança política, capital político e autogoverno: análise dos impactos da atuação do SEBRAE no desenvolvimento político goiano de 2004 a 2011 / The political development designed from the concepts of political governance, political capital and selfgovernment: analysis of the impacts of SEBRAEs working in the political development goiano 2004 to 2011


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis analyses the political nature inherent to the development work done by Sebraes working system. The research establishes a dialogue between philosophy and political sociology, resulting in the creating a political development definition, from the concepts of Political governance (increase of the public spaces of power; power as a key element of the Policy; associacionism and contesting), political capital (the importance of trust to build social capital; political recruitment and political inclusion: formation of new political leaders) and autogovern (empowerment; protagonism and responsiveness). We also analyse the performance of Sebrae in the area of public politics and its Sebraes reposture as an agent of local and sectorial development, factors that consolidate its institutional role and corroborate the hypothesis of the research about the implications of the acting of this institution in the political development.


sociologia desenvolvimento político autogoverno capital político governança política serviço brasileiro de apoio às micro e pequenas empresas sociologia political capital political development political governance sebrae and selfgovernment

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