O efeito do uso de sinais na aquisição de linguagem por criancas surdas filhas de pais ouvintes




The objective of this study is to analyze, in terms of a bimodal approach, the effect of sign use in the acquisition of language by two deaf children, who have a profound sensorial and neural loss. The data for the present research were gathered at the Bimodal Attending Program, of IESP-DERDIC/PUCSP. Such a program provides educational assistance to children, from zero to three years old. This study aims at contextualizing the use of signs in an educational program; therefore it presents a historical retrospective of the educational process of the hearing impaired, both in a global, Brazilian and IESP-DERDIC/PUCSP perspective as well. The IESP-DERDIC/PUCSP is a special school, which has the Bimodal Attending Program, where the data were gathered. The longitudinal analysis of the data obtained during the recording sections of subject-children showed that they both suffered the effects of sign use, however in different ways. This can be attributed, and can be seen in the dissertation, to how the family sees deafness, for this may have different consequences, both on the childrens behavior, as well as in their use of the signs. One of the subjects FV by using signs became more attentive, therefore more participative on the activities proposed by the pedagogue. His level of attention increased, his naughty behavior became better, and at the end of the recording sections it was possible to observe the use of signs on his data. The mother seemed to have been affected by the use of signs too, demonstrating, during the year, interest in learning them. The second subject JF had already a gestural language, which he shared with his family. The effects of the signs were observed right at the first recording sections, for the ones used by the pedagogue, or the family were incorporated by him. During the recording sections the collection of signs increased, and, at the end of a six months period, JF manifested he was beginning tell a story using signs. Right from the start, his family showed a great interest in learning the signs and in using them with JF. Although the children did present some development in terms of using the signs, the use of sign language was only observed after they were enrolled in the Childrens Education course, and exposed to Brazilian Sign Language, used by one of the instructors


derdic-história bimodal fonoaudiologia

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