O Escritor e o Infante: uma negociação para a representação do Brasil em Infância




This thesis intends to investigate Infância as a literary work that approaches simultaneously the childhood world and the writer condition. The adoption of a technique that creates a discursive place in which a narrative structure is articulated in two levels, a kind of arena in which opposite social classes questions fight and define themselves questions between a literate person and an illiterate one, the writer and the child, modern and archaic , defines that the author of Infância composes a literature of self-questioning. On the other hand, the writer remembers not only the childhood experiences, but revisits and revises these experiences, make the re-reading of the personal and historical lived conditions. However, in spite of Infância to be an autobiography and a memory of a writer, it is a fiction book also. The literary representation of the recollected childhood world and of the own writers condition is a kind of a world and its conditions recreated, re-elaborated in an aesthetic way. The thesis investigates the formalization of the relationship between writer and child that is established in the discursive level of the narrative, how does Graciliano share the author and child narrative place without erasing or transfiguring the childhood world, and also without reducing the dimension of the problem of the writer condition in this literary work. The literary form of Infância is exactly the discursive place of this representation, a special kind of Brazil representation and of our not concluded formative process, an aesthetic that is, at the same time, local and universal for the historical imbalance between two projects: the literary and the social one.


infância na literatura confissão realismo graciliano ramos. infância literatura brasileira memória crítica autoquestionamento ficção

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