O ideario de Getulio Vargas no Estado Novo




The subject of this dissertation is a c10seanalysis of Getúlio Vargas speeches, delivered during the period known as Estado Novo. They emphasized the concept of the Brazilian reality at that time; as well as the defense of a national development project, extended to social, economic and polítical fields. In its general configuration that project presented itself as a reconciliation between the historica1ly new and the historically old. This reconciliation had an economic perspective as its foundation and industrialization as its core. Both were centered on the growth of capital goods, in order to reach political unity and economic independence, without however, breaking with the traditional agrarian structure. He defendedhis modei of "conservative modernity" and denied political and economic liberalism, which he considered a failure. He also denied what he called "totalitarism" (nazi-facism and communism), and he justified an "institutionallystrong" state which was in fact a bonapartist autocratic state. This was the political configuration which he considered necessary to imple~ent the planned economic transformations that could at the same time preserve both conservantism and "social peace". It was in this context that he ~posed Labor, Wellfare and Trade Unions Legislation. It disc10sed the need for industrialization to widen the internal market and to control the workforce. It made quite c1earthat it was impossible to integrate workers both economicallyand politically. The discourse analysis of this the most expressive leadership at the start of Brazilian industrial capitalism permits us to identify the characteristics of industrial capitalism and bourgeoisie establis,hedhere, as well as the desired "autonomy" and "completeness". However, ,~Vensuch restricted aims were not reach


nacionalismo industrialização

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