O impacto da certificação ISO 9002:1994 em estações de tratamento de agua na Empresa Saneamento de Goias S/A- Saneago




The Sanitation Company of Goiás S/A - SANEAGO comes searching to improve its process, and in orden that happens it has introduced a managing model to facilitate the proposed objectives. The metodology used in this work was a quality research that proportioned a study of the case. We ve tried to develop a metodology that alIowed researcher to take, evaluate, analyze and select alI necessary infonnations and verify their adaptation based in the experience and known. The project had as main objective to analyze difficulties of implementation and benefits obtained with certification by Nonn NBR ISO 9002: 1994, backed in theoretical references and experiences with the implantation of the programs. It also describes alI stages of the process, since the implantation of the programs until the certification. On the implantaion process two stages, have occured one as difficulties that have been won through several works, and other as benefits provided by Nonn. The final proposal of this dissertation is to demostrate the results obtained, which in spite of the difficulties happened, the benefits were more significant and have contributed to the development and have survival of the company. Understand development as the improvement that add values for products and services that will be delivered to customers and they could be employees ofthe company, suppliers, partners, society and communities


gestão da qualidade total saneamento serviço ao cliente

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