O lugar da família no processo de atendimento de pessoas com deficiência: um estudo de caso do Centro de Educação Especial da Bahia




This dissertation presents the necessary relationships between the family and the educational agents dealing with the formation and social integration of deficiency bearers. For such, a case study is made on an institution that assists the clientele of the Special Education in Bahia, with empirical data that admonish the successes and obstacles in the service to this public. To perform this description, a historical search is accomplished on the Special Education from the antiquity to present days, analyzing the changes and the social impacts related to Special Education and to conception and structure of the family. The Brazilian public politics and the word movements that impel them are commented. The movement is described in word about to combat the exclusion show up the movements mainly promoters by states politics in word in advantage by inclusion of deficiency bearers. The case study tells the story of the research institution, reflects on its pedagogic political project and through interviews it analyzes the applicability of the project in the daily life of. Here to become clean the profile of the families the economical partner reality, challenges that face, prejudice in the own family and the back of opportunities. The professionals formation involved in this educational process else is critic and analytically commented on It is aimed at with this dissertation to contribute for fomentation of actions that promote the inclusion educational and social so much for the schools as for the educators and the families, wishing the quality of life involved in process of Special Education, guaranteeing the effective and indispensable inclusion in cultural actions and economic participations and word politic


educacao educação especial family learning special education public politics políticas públicas inclusion aprendizagem família inclusão

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