O museu como espaço educativo: uma proposta metodológica para o Museu Oceanográfico Univali
Alessandra Silva Correia Soto
The museum - a non-profit making institution with purposes of research, education and leisure, and committed to the educational process, carries out a cultural and educational action in the scope of formal, non-formal and informal education, presenting to individuals their cultural heritage and their capacity to use and create it. Science museums, besides playing a vital role in the popularization of Science, have other essential functions, such as moving from a more passive concept of the public to one of dynamic interactivity with the experiments and experiences that the museum exhibits. The logic of learning by doing replaces that of contemplative learning. The fact that these museums are living is what differentiates them of the museums of the last century, which simply exhibited objects used by science or industry. The museum as agency of informal education, or even as an educational ecosystem (CANDAU, 2000) can interactively approach society, stimulating the various forms of individual perception. The objective of this work was to propose an Educational Program for the Oceanography Museum of UNIVALI, in Itajaí/SC. The theoretical background on museums is based on authors like (HORTA, 1991; MAURE, 1985; MARANDINO, 2005; CAZELLI, 2003) and on the International Council of Museums - ICOM. The methodology used was descriptive research of the transversal survey type. The criteria used in the choice of institutions followed two conditions: they must be museums with collections and they must exist for the popularization and dissemination of the Science in Brazil. In the first stage of the research, an investigation was carried out of three selected museums, using bibliographic and publicity material, as well as consultation with the websites of the institutions. For the second stage, a questionnaire was sent to the educational departments of the museums, which included information on institutional data, physical description, the collections, educational programs, their publics, human resources and budget. The third stage involved tabulating the information gathered, with emphasis on the activities of museums programs. Finally in the fourth stage, the planning of the Educational Program of the Oceanographic Museum of UNIVALI was carried out. The proposal incorporates elements of the critical approach in Environmental Education (GUIMARÃES, 2004; LOUREIRO, 2006), while safeguarding not only the complementary nature, but also the specificity between formal and non-formal education that occurs in Science and technology museums. It also indicates the visitors capacity to integrate and process information, it being the task of the educator of the museum to plan learning situations in which the contents and methods are coherent with the development of understanding of each group, promoting a closer relationship between education and the museological process. In a complex society like that of Brazil, rich in diverse cultural manifestations, the role of museums is of fundamental importance for the valorization of the cultural heritage as a strategic device for improving the democratic processes. To fulfil its role in the educational process, the museum can be used in the service of society and its development
museus educação patrimonial educacao museu oceanográfico univali educação ambiental
http://www6.univali.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=638Documentos Relacionados
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