O planejamento na exploração mineral e a experiencia da Rio Doce Geologia e Mineração S/A




This dissertation attempts in the first instance to present an outline of planning in mineral exploration. A second phase talks about the foundation and experience of Docegeo, while a third and final phase evaluates and draws conclusions o about the experience of this company in the planning of the exploration. The theme was chosen basically for the following reasons: The experience of the author with exploration through Docegeo; to consider exploration as a complex activity from the economic and technical-scientific point of view; to regard exploration as a fundamental link with the mineral industry and essential for economic development; within these principles of technical ?scientific progress, it is considered to be a relatively new activity in the country. The planning of mineral exploration is focused in the text under two headings: the economic and the technical-scientific, associated with which are four basic questions of the planning of the exploration: How much to 5pend? What to look for? Where to look for it? How to look for it? It is normally commented that mineral exploration i5 a high risk activity, very expensive, of long term maturation in terms of positive results and complex from a technical and scientific point of view. The5e considerations associated to the fact that exploration is a sequential process of technical - economic decisions, where the four questions above mentioned are always present, require a permanent plan embracing three types: strategic, tactical and operational. The strategic treats of the first two questions, how much to spend and what to look for; the tactical, of the question of where to look for and the operational in respect of how to 100k for it. With this focus, the text deals with the four questions in general manner. Chapter I treats specifically of the principal characteristics of planning in itself and of exploration in particular while chapter 11 discusses the planning general of mineral exploration in In arder to place the reader within the context of the evolution of the mineral exploration in Brazil and the participation of Docegeo in this process, chapter III presents a short history of the foundation of this company and the principal influences which emerged clt is considered to be one the companies with the greatest success in the mineral exploration of the country, its experience in the planning of mineral exploration is related in chapter IV, taking as a reference the theme adopted by the author. Departing a little from what is essentially informative chapter V makes a critical evaluation of the experience of Docegeo in the planning of mineral exploration, concluding in chapter VI that whereas the company was reasonably successful in tactical and operational planning, it was not so efficient from the point of view of strategic planning, notably in relation to the answers to the question as to what to look for


minas e recursos minerais - exploração geologia

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