O planejamento para o desenvolvimento local em cidades "glocais" brasileiras: em direção ao novo modus operandi de gestão e produção da cidade / The planning for local development in cities "glocais" Brazil: toward the new modus operandi of production and management of the city




This research addresses issues such as the production of the contemporary city, seen from the actions of new management and planning for urban development in the economic scenario of global production and computerized. The cut is the historic post-constituent 1988, March of the change of political regime in contemporary Brazil, timing of opening the countrys political and intense transformations front of the digital revolution that the world has been incorporating. The planning as a tool for thinking the council seeking its socio-economic development is taken as a tool of action for the construction of future associated with new forms of public administration more transparent and participatory using the means and resources to expand in line with federal law the access of various sectors of civil society to the decisions of government. In this sense the approach started from the institutionalization of planning in the 1970 with the creation of the public authorities, seeking to incorporate the procedures of planning for municipalities and regions in an attempt to spatial planning, and reverse the process of unbridled urbanization in the country. Case exacerbated by the economic crisis of the 1980 and the consequent removal of the State and necessary in light of global economic restructuring. Culminating well in the 1990s with the administrative reform of the Brazilian state, municipal governments and the adoption of strategies and mechanisms of action business, conforming a new modus operandi which results in a new "model" of contemporary planning. This model is found in the cities of Ribeirao Preto, Uberlândia and Londrina, three examples of cities regional centers of development, here recognized as cities of economic integration in the local and global scales.


tecnologias informação e comunicação planejamento urbano e regional information and communication technologies gestão pública public management urban and regional planning local development desenvolvimento local urban politics política urbana

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