O quantificador flutuante todos no português brasileiro e no inglês : uma abordagem gerativa




The starting point for the present analysis was the observation, following Sportiche (1988), of a contrast between Brazilian Portuguese, henceforth BP, and English, concerning the positioning of the quantifier all (todos) in the sentence, that is, the fact that BP allows the derivation of sentences such as As crianças vieram todas and As sentenças foram decoradas todas, ungrammatical in English: *The children came all and *The sentences were memorized all. Therefore, it is our aim to explain why one language, as opposed to another, allows the stranding of a quantifier in a postlexical- verb position. The observation of another contrast, that is, A Maria odeia os alunos todos / *Mary hates the students all, is crucial to our argumentation towards the hypothesis that all the above contrasts are due to a structural difference between the BP DP and the English DP. As for the contrast A Maria odeia os alunos todos / *Mary hates the students all, constituency tests show that in BP, yet not necessarily in English, the quantifier must be inserted in a very low position a θ-position since in BP, but not in English, quantifier and DP make up a constituent. Thus, according to proposals available in the literature, we assume that the English quantifier might be acyclically inserted in a derivation directly in its surface position, which, we will argue, does not occur in BP. As a result, we will not be able to accept the generalization that quantifiers cannot be floated in θ-positions, since, assuming that the Portuguese verb only raises up to T, there would be a chance that quantifiers get stranded in a thematic position. In conclusion, assuming that the quantifier can be acyclically inserted in a derivation, and that the BP verb undergoes short movement to T, we propose the following generalization: languages such as BP, whose quantifiers and DPs make up a constituent, allow their quantifiers to get stranded in post-lexical-verb positions in the phrase structure, regardless of whether those are θ-positions or not.


gramática flutuação de quantificadores lingua portuguesa minimalismo linguistica

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