O surdo e a escrita na clinica fonoaudiologica




The present work proposes to reflect about writing acquisition by congenital deafs in clinical speech’s pathologist. First, I point that different methods applied to educational work with deafs are based on the dislocation of a lannguage order’s question – writing acquisition – to a pedagogical order’s question. I discuss that the dislocation is sustainned by the writing’s notion as a oral language’s representation and/or a sign language’s representation, and it’s based upon the conception of the deaf as an individual who stayed “out” of the language and over it must come to have control, as an observation’s place. The identification of these questions brings the necessity of a reformulation about hyphoteses concerning deafness, language acquisition and the question of the mother langue. For that, I develop my reflection with the theorical elaborations of interacionism in Language Acquisition, perspective that opened for me a new place of reflection about the data, making me far from pedagogical demands in terms of teaching/learning. The starting-point is the longitudinal register of the writing productions of a deaf that talks and writes – V. -, and then I assume that the main questions of this thesis are the relationships between oral and writing languages, the role of the text on the work done in clinic and the specificity of the interpretation’s moviment on writing acquisition by V. First, a new fact appears, and apparently paradoxal, on the relationhips between oral language and writing language in congenital deafs: the loud voice lecture, done by the own deaf, of her own text, made meanigs’effects on the writing that, first of all, barred the interpretation. However, this interpretation got a visibility by tle reading act, by reason of segmentations, chains that I called as entonational cohesion and production of narrative paratones on her reading. That fact allowed me to recognize the mutual constitutive relationships between the oral language and the writing languages by the deaf V. On the discussion about the role of literary texts sellected to read, the role of that ones which I write with V. as a charing conjoined activity and the role of conjoined drafts, which always takes place in our activity in the clinic, I tried to bring up that the incidence of them over the texts of V. is a question of interpretation’s order, as they put her inside writing, and in that way their role is to allow other text, bringing the subjectivity ‘s emergence of V. in the chains’intervals of her texts. So, I pointed out that many changes of the relationships between V. and writing in clinicial activity, taking them as effects of language over her own language. With this work, I invite deaf and hearing educators to reflect about the hypothesis of writing acquisition by congenital deafs as a subjectivity’s process and not as the result of padagogical practices.


surdez aquisição de linguagem fonoaudiologia

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