O trabalho infantil no Brasil e a doutrina da proteção integral




In this dissertation, an analysis is made on evolution of gradual achievement of rights of children and adolescents, especially with regard to child labour, that unfortunately still exists in Brazilian society. The exploitation of child labour is not a problem particular to Brazil, since it also affects the international community, but with differences in intensity and severity. This work is supported by national and international laws, as well as by works of reliable and outstanding authors, and by articles from law reviews that have enabled us to deepen controversial issues relating to the exploitation of children labour. Combating child labour is not easy. For this purpose it is necessary a combination of efforts of the state, family, community and society in general, the only way for the effective promotion of the rights of children and adolescents, assuring them a full and healthy development in such a way that in the future they may join the labour market, day by day more competitive. Child labour is the tragic result of social, economic and cultural problems of a country, and to combat them, it is necessary to break the vicious circle of poverty, and child labour, always present in all its modalities. Despite the difficulties, the truth is that initiatives aimed at the elimination of child labour, as well as the strong mechanisms for its the prevention and eradication, such as the Councils Guardianship, Advice of Rights and forums have achieved positive results, as we will see in this work


assistencia a menores -- brasil direito criança children trabalho infantil -- brasil mão-de-obra infantil child labour

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