On the role of the notochord in somite formation and the possible evolutionary significance of the concomitant cell re-orientation.


Homoplastic grafts of re-orientated unsegmented paraxial mesoderm transplanted from stage 20 Xenopus embryos into host embryos of the same age resulted in segmentation and the formation of somites in the same axis as if they had been left in situ. Because grafts transplanted with various orientations came under the stretching effect of the notochord in different directions but never the less maintained their original pattern and direction of segmentation, it would appear that the notochord has no effect on somite formation which thus emerges as an autonomous process independent of the elongation of the embryo. The re-alignment of cells which occurs as the somites are formed and which, in normal unimpeded development, results in the long axis of the cells lying parallel to that of the notochord, is considered in the light of the evolution of sinusoid locomotion and it is suggested that it may be the primary process with the formation of somite blocks as one of its consequences.

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