“Oral health and dental treatment: the social representations of mothers users of a health service.” / "Saúde bucal e tratamento odontológico: representações sociais de mães usuárias de um serviço de saúde"




The mother`s figure inside the family environment is extremely important, because she is the main family`s character with voice to take decisions in the treatment of health and illness questions, being, also, responsible for the balance in health-illness and, therefore, able to be the entrance door for a good or bad education in oral health for its son. The present study investigated the social representations of mothers with children aged 0 to 5 years old from the Nucleus of Family Health IV, at Ribeirão Preto – SP, trying to know what they think about oral health and dental treatment. The analysis of the interviews evidenced an enormous difficulty, by the interviewed ones, to talk about health. For them the oral health is related with norms of hygiene, dietary and go to the dentist, restricting itself in the concern with the aesthetic one and a little with the function. Already in the dental treatment, it was verified that the great majority of them demonstrated to present fear, caused for the previous experience with the treatment. For these mothers the private dental treatment is associated with accuracy and the attendance in the desired way and the treatment offered by the public sector to the delay and the lack of equipment/materials. It can be perceived that two questions are important for them and they can be determining the decision to go or not to the dentist: humanization and ability. This research contributes for the diagnosis in oral health and the development of public actions directed to the improvement of the health conditions of the population and promote possible changes in the dentists actions, either in health promotion or in the curative action and the overcoming of the inequalities that, still today, are inside the area.


oral health saúde bucal representações tratamento odontológico mães dental treatment mothers representations

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