Origem, trajeto, ramificações e distribuição dos ramos ventriculares da artéria coronária direita no macaco prego (Cebus apella)




Comparative Anatomy of mammals has been a relevant subject of researches in biomedical and biological areas with the objective of looking for more information that could aid for searching about understanding of the unit variety-complex. Nonhuman primates have been considered an important group among many studied animals having a great interest not only for the understanding of its own evolution but also due to the fact that detailed knowledge of its anatomy could represent an important factor for its preservation and protection. The aim of this work was to study the origins, ramifications, ventricular branches and distribution of the right coronary artery in such animals. Twenty-five hearts were used taken from Cebus apella (Capuchin monkey), 12 male and 13 female of varying ages. The coronary artery was filled by means of injection of neoprene latex 601 A (Du pont do Brasil S/A) colored with specific pigment through the right femoral artery. Previous studies have not demonstrated any findings about the topic in this species. Right coronary artery originated from the right semilunar sinus of the ascendant aorta at the level of the free edged of the right semilunar cusp in all cases. In 68% of the cases its first branch, the infundibular one, emerged together with the right circumflex branch from a common trunck. In 2 cases (8%) it emerged directly from the right semilunar sinus. Then right coronary artery entered in the sulcus coronarius as the right circumflex branch giving off a variable number of vessels to supply the cranial aspect of the right ventricle. Proximally to the right cardiac edge it gave off one branch that rounded it and supplied the lateral and the caudal wall of the right ventricle (20% of the cases). In all 5 cases (20%) the right marginal vessel emerged from it. Right circumflex branch remained in the sulcus coronarius for variable distances. Then it turned abruptly to run in the subsinuosal interventricular sulcus as the subsinuosal interventricular branch. In 48% of the cases this vessel occupied 1/3 of the sulcus. In remain cases it extended as far as the apex where it anastomosed with the paraconal interventricular vessel from the left coronary artery. In the coronarius sulcus the right circumflex branch anastomosed with the left circumflex branch.


macaco prego artérias coronárias ventricular branches artéria coronária direita ramos ventriculares anatomia veterinária capuchin monkey cebus apella medicina veterinaria right coronary artery

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