Origins of phage T4 DNA replication as revealed by hybridization to cloned genes.


[3H]Thymidine-labeled progeny DNA was isolated after infection of Escherichia coli with two different bacteriophage T4 mutants. These strands were isolated shortly after the initiation of DNA replication and hybridized to 15 different (EcoRI) T4 restriction fragments cloned in plasmid vectors. Uniformly labeled T4 [32P]DNA extracted from phage particles was cohybridized as a normalizing reference. The results obtained lead to the conclusions that, among the loci tested, initiation occurs predominantly in the area of genes 50-5 and less prominently in the area of genes 25-29. However, our data do not support the idea of initiation in the area of genes 40-43. In contrast, this area displays the least replication among the genes tested.

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