Os Guarani e a Redução Jesuítica: tradição e mudança técnica na cadeia operatória de confecção dos artefatos cerâmicos do sítio Pedra Grande e entorno / The Guarani people and the Jesuit Settlement: tradition and technological change on Operation Sequence of ceramic artifact confection of Pedra Grande site and its surroundings




This work aimed at finding out how the occupation of Pedra Grande site, located at the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state, as well its surroundings, by the Guarani people, happened since the beginning of the settlement until the moment of first contact, when they were inserted into a Jesuit-Guarani settlement in the beginning of the XVII century. Focusing on the technological choices inserted in the Operation Sequence of ceramic artifact confection, one tried to notice the permanent or changed technological choices occurred from the first contact throughout the different stages of its confection considering: clay acquisition, paste treatment, techniques of manufacture, artifact forming and shaping, surface finishing, and firing, and vessels ready to be used. One analyzed the pottery collection of: Ibm 4 Pedra Grande site, where the settlement got place, in comparison to the vessels of Ibm 14 Rodolfo Mariano site that consists of a funerary context dated from the XI century from our era. The technological continuity and changing perception was possible due to the recurrence and variability on the material culture, noticed through technological attributes applied on each artifact fragment, assisted by Optical Microscopy, X Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and also X Ray Diffractometry. In this way, one searched about what technological changes occurred inserted into a bigger group of cultural transformations in a social totality. When in contact with Europeans, the Guarani people face a new situation if compared to the traditional one, in which new artifacts as well as technological knowledge are presented to them. It was noticed that among those possible changes, the Guarani people opted by adopting some of the new techniques but rejecting others, producing some of the technological changes noticed on the material culture study, which guided the final reflection in this work.


cerâmica guarani operation sequences technological change jesuit-guarani settlement tradição tecnológica redução jesuítico-guarani mudança técnica guarani ceramics cadeia operatória technological tradition

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