Os olhares a fortaleza de São Jose de Macapa : do tombamento (1950) aos dias de hoje (2001)




In this work, we analyzed ways of observing the São José Fortress of Macapá to understand the significance given to the monument while as historic monument, a representation and cultural-artistic space and of touristic utilization, and as a historic and cultural patrimony declared by IPHAN. Therefore, we analyzed the construction and consolidation of its monumentality from the day of the process in 1950 up to these days (2001). In this perspective, we worked in ways to find senses given to São José Fortress in Macapá from the verbal and non-verbal speeches, through the discursive articles presented in newspapers, folders, and interviews about the Fortress, not mentioning the ilusory speeches presented through paintings, drawings and photographs, and also images and representations about the Fortress through poetry. In this sense, besides analyzing the speeches, we also worked, he allegory representations as a method of analyze of visions of the Fortaleza. To realize and comprehend the senses given to the Fortaleza in its monumentality process, we studied the patrimony in its cultural representation, besides of its sense of museum object, reports, its visual representation in museums, and its importance in the construction, identification and representation of the national patrimony. Therefore, turning the Fortress into a Brazilian Patrimony, from the Amazon and from Amapá


analise do discurso compreensão na leitura patrimonio historico

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