Os processos de capacitação continuada de docentes do ensino fundamental e sua prática nas escolas municipais de Campo Grande/MS. / Os processos de capacitação continuada de docentes do ensino fundamental e sua prática nas escolas municipais de Campo Grande/MS.




The objective of this research is to investigate the educational practice of the teachers that work in the childish education. It wad also analyzed the initial formation role in the educational practice of the teachers ant the importance that they award to this formation to make their teaching work better. The interest in this subject matter was concerned because of our work as a group of childish education teachers coordinator of Rede Municipal de Ensino REME in Campo Grande city in Mato Grosso do Sul. We used to observe in that occasion that the professionals used to present different posture and difficulties in the classroom and we discussed if that situation was related to the teachers initial formation To reach the research purpose we opted for the methodology of qualitative nature, because it supports the technique of classroom observation and the semi-structured interviews with the teachers. While analyzing the given information we checked that in spite of many criticism to the initial formation courses they have been providing to the childish education teacher of Rede, reflections about the childish education conceptions, childhood, teacher conception among others that may support the teaching profession. The information also revealed the teachers theoretical and methodological conflicts, demanding spaces beyond the classroom, to a collective work in a way they can think the educational practice and analyze the teaching professional process to whom the initial formation represents an extremely important moment.


childish education politics initial formation formação continuada classes de aceleração educational practice ciências humanas

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