Os saberes dos professores de educação infantil em relação à construção numérica: formação de professores em um grupo cooperativo




This work treats of the formation in service of teachers of Infantile Education and yours know in relation to the process of numeric construction. Organized starting from reflections and observations produced through discussions in a group of studies with professionals of a same school unit, did it stop in the following subject: How are the teachers that participate in a cooperative group, going building new you know and new forms of to understand and to work with the numeric construction, developing a posture of investigating teacher?. The qualitative approach of research was used, initially with the application of individual interviews, following by the formation of a group of studies, that checked to the work a cooperation nature between the participant teachers and the researcher; this felt through studies, choice, application and reflection of teaching activities Leaning in researchers investigations that studied the numeric construction, it tries to evidence, through the reports presented in the interviews and in the discussions of the cooperative group (involving teachers of Infantile Education that they teach in the municipal net of a municipal district of Great São Paulo), as they feels the pedagogic practice in relation to the numeric construction and in that measured that practice can change through the teachers participation in a cooperative group. In this group, the teachers discussed texts, they investigated their own students, they promoted discussions and they analyzed the results of the investigations to the light of the theoretical referential. Results of researches and studies already accomplished, about the numeric construction, they are little published and, through the interviews, it was verified that the teachers, doesn t tend access to such studies, they don t consider the children s hypotheses concerning the numbers. Like this, the work has as purpose to contribute with the teachers pedagogic practice, presenting and developing relative subjects to the axis Mathematics in Infantile Education


matematica formação de professores numeric construction cooperative group numbering system professor investigador matematica -- estudo e ensino matematica (elementar) construção numérica educacao matematica sistema de numeração grupo cooperativo investigating teacher

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