Osmoregulation in Cotton in Response to Water Stress 1: II. LEAF CARBOHYDRATE STATUS IN RELATION TO OSMOTIC ADJUSTMENT


Diurnal changes in tissue water potential components, photosynthesis, and specific leaf carbohydrates were examined in water stress-adapted and nonadapted cotton plants. Adapted plants exhibited lower daily minimum leaf water potentials and maintained turgor to lower leaf water potentials than nonadapted plants. Because of this turgor maintenance, photosynthesis continued in adapted plants at leaf water potentials that inhibited photosynthesis in nonadapted plants. Adapted plants exhibited lower rates of photosynthesis than did nonadapted plants when leaves were fully turgid. The inhibition was not due to stomatal restriction of CO2 diffusion because leaf conductances of nonadapted and adapted leaves were similar at high leaf water potentials.

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