Otimização do metodo turbidimetrico em fluxo continuo para a determinação de sulfato em solos




The turbidimetric method for sulfate determination, using Flow Injection Analysis, has been optimized for application in soil analyses. The Flow Injection system was operated in the alternative flow configuration. As reaction media, water, 0.01 M calcium monophosphate or 1.0 M potassium chroride were used with barium chloride as the precipitation agent. In simulations with these three media, the best experimental conditions resulted in linear working curves up to about 50 ug.ml of sulphate, and a sampling rate of 70 samples per hour. The Al, Mg, Fe,Mn, Ca species, which are commoly found in soils, were studied under dynamic flow conditions . From the results one can observe that the degree of interference varies with both the medium used (extractor) and the level of sulfate in solution. The method was applied to soils samples, using a 0.01 M calcium monophosphate solution, and the results were compared to those obtained by the conventional static method. The F.I.A. system showed better precision, a higher analytycal rate and lower reagent consumption.


sulfatos solos quimica agricola

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