Overview of the phase diagram of ionic magnetic colloidal dispersions


Braz. J. Phys.




We study ionic magnetic colloidal dispersions, which are constituted of g-Fe2O3 nanoparticles dispersed in water, and stabilized with electrostatic interparticle repulsion. The phase diagram PV versus F (P: osmotic pressure, V: particle volume, F: particle volume fraction) is explored, especially in the range of high P and high F. The osmotic pressure P of the colloidal dispersion is known either by a measurement either because it is imposed during the sample preparation by osmotic compression. The structure of the colloidal dispersion is determined from Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS). Two regimes can be distinguished. At high pressure, fluid and solid phases can exist. Their structure is governed by strong electrostatic repulsion, the range of which is here evaluated. At low pressure, gas, liquid and glassy solids can exist. Their structure results from a sticky hard sphere potential.

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