PadrÃes contemporÃneos na explicaÃÃo da formulaÃÃo de polÃticas de comÃrcio exterior / Contemporary patterns of explanation on foreign trade policy-making




This comparative and exploratory case study identifies contending patterns of explanation on foreign trade policy-making (FTPM), in the contemporary research agenda. Thirty one articles published in high qualified scientific reviews were analysed by using qualitative methods and technics. I find four patterns of explanation: by using i) Institutional Design (i.e. configuration of the Executive and Legislative preferences); ii) Special Interest Groups (lobbies); iii) Factorial Lines (Labour versus Capital); iv) Sectorial Lines (export expanding interests versus import competing interests). The main conclusions are: (1) two patterns of explanation use causes of political nature and the others use causes of economic nature; (2) all the four patterns show the Paradigm of Domestic Politics is predominant; (3) in the field of studies on FTPM, domestic factors and decision-making processes and structures play a central role


ciencia politica mobilidade de fatores desenho institucional polÃtica de comÃrcio exterior livre comÃrcio industrial sectors protecionismo e liberalismo institutional design setores industriais protectionism and liberalism foreign trade policy special interest groups (lobbies) factor mobility grupos de interesses especiais (lobbies) free trade

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