Padrões de fluxo e perda de carga em escoamento trifasico horizontal de oleo pesado, agua e ar




Considered to be of great importance to the oil industry, heavy oils represent a significant part of national, and worldwide, unexploited reserves. Do to the difficulties associated with the unfavorable characteristics ofthis type of oil, such as viscosity and density, heavy oil economic production and transportation techniques are being studied. One of these methods is the core flow, which consists on the lateral injection offew amounts ofwater that lubricates the oil flow. However, the pressure drop along the tube makes the gas dissociation inevitable, which wiIl alter the oil-water flow characteristics. This work presents an experimental study done to obtain more information on horizontal three-phase flow pattems and the corresponding pressure drop. Flow maps were developed, where the observed pattems were related to its corresponding superficial velocity trios. The obtained pressure gradients are presented in graphic forms and compared to other flow types, for a better evaluation of its behavior. A mathematical correlation that predicts the pressure loss by estimating an equivalent viscosity was also developed. Despite the pressure gradient increase, caused by the gaseous phase, the technique of water injection for the transport ofheavy oil has still proven to be efficient.


flow pattems petroleo pressure drop escoamento multifasico heavy oil tubulação core flow three-phase flow

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