Parametros para elaboração de mandioca pronta para consumo armazenada sob refrigeração / Parameters for the process of cassava ready for consumption stored under refrigeration




This research investigated the sensorial microbiological and chemical characteristics of cassava ready for consumption, through the parameters? evaluation which interfere with the end product?s shelf - life. Three cooking times were applied in cassava roots which, after been washed and cut, were conditioned to polyethylene packagings and stored between 10°C ± 0,5°C. The lots were produced in triplicate and were evaluated at the 1, 4, 6, 8, 11 days. There were statistically significant differences (p ? 0,05) concerning about the vitamin C contents, pH, titrable acidity during the storage time, and, the starch and soluble solids?contents remained unchanged. The peroxidase enzyme was inaticvated by the cooking process. The behavior of these factors during the shelf-life affected the sensorial parameters such as color, taste, and general evaluation, taking into consideration that they presented statistically significant differences (p ? 0,05) during the storage period, and even after being undergone treatments, no alteration occured. It was not observed any alteration of the product?s softness nor microbiological contamination regard to the evaluated micro-organisms


conservation cassava storage cassava mandioca - conservação mandioca - armazenamento mandioca - deterioração food senrory evolution mandioca - processamento alimentos - avaliação sensorial process cassava cassava mandioca deterioration cassava

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