Patterns of gold levels in urine, serum, and saliva in patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing chrysotherapy.


Twenty patients undergoing treatment with aurothiomalate for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were studied for the presence of gold in all urine specimens passed over four days and for gold in the serum of blood drawn by venous section at 10.00, 16.00, and 22.00 hours on a single day of the study. Specimens of saliva collected at the same times as the blood specimens were also analysed for (total) gold content. Eighteen patients showed rhythmic urinary gold excretion. Variations were observed in the serum levels for total, free, and protein bound gold at different times of the day and night together with similar variations in the salivary total gold levels. It was established that a possible relation exists between urinary gold, serum gold, and salivary gold such that at times of higher urinary gold excretion the serum gold levels (total, free, and protein bound) and the total salivary gold levels were decreased. Conversely, at times of lower urinary gold excretion serum and salivary gold levels were increased.

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