Permanent Alterations of the L-Forms of Proteus and Salmonella Under Various Conditions


L-forms obtained from three strains of Proteus and from one strain of Salmonella have been kept for 15 to 20 years by weekly or monthly transfers on agar plates containing penicillin. The morphology and growth requirements of these strains have changed. They now grow abundantly on the surface of agar and in broth. The cultures consist of large bodies, small granules, and transitional forms. These organisms are more resistant to distortion and stain more deeply than organisms of the usual L-forms. In broth and to a lesser extent on agar, branching filaments develop, on the ends of which both the large, round organisms and small organisms are produced. The filaments are a transitional stage in the development of the cultures. Usual bacillary forms were not present in the culture and did not appear in successive transfers in the absence of penicillin. Bacilli reappeared on exposure of the L cultures to the influence of a spore-bearing bacillus. A similar transformation of L-forms has also been observed developing within a short time in recently isolated A and B type L cultures of one Proteus strain during the process of reversion to the bacterial form. The altered cultures are fixed in a stage of transition between the B type L-form and the regular bacteria.

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