Photoinduced Seed Germination of Oenothera biennis L: III. Analysis of the Postinduction Period by Means of Temperature


The postinduction period of Oenothera biennis L. seed germination was examined by temperature treatments. For all experiments, seeds received a standard 24 hour/24°C preinduction period and 12 hour/32°C photoinduction period. Germination is inhibited by postinduction temperatures above 32°C. When seeds are briefly incubated at 44°C and then transferred to 28°C, they germinate at a much lower percentage than 28°C controls. When thermally inhibited seeds are placed in the dark at 28°C for 20 hours, they can be promoted to germinate by a single pulse of red light. Seeds incubated at 12°C or below immediately after photoinduction enter a lag period in which they germinate slowly or not at all for a long time and then resume germination. The length of the lag period is exponentially related to the postinduction temperature. When seeds are incubated at a low temperature and then transferred to a warm temperature, they germinate much more rapidly than seeds not incubated at a low temperature. A model is proposed which is consistent with these and additional results. In the model, a germination promoter is irreversibly formed from a precursor and the synthesis of the precursor is favored at low temperatures and its degradation is favored at high temperatures.

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