Physical-chemical and biochemical characterization of Buchenavia tomentosa Eichler fruits
GLÓRIA, Elanne Costa, ELIAS, Heloísa Helena de Siqueira, CARVALHO, Elisângela Elena Nunes, GUIMARÃES, Luiz Gustavo Lima
Food Sci. Technol
Abstract The wild native species of the Brazilian savannah have attractive flavors and nutritive compounds. Among the Combretaceaes genus, the Buchenavia tomentosa Eichler plays an important role in popular medicine, however, little is known about its chemical composition. Thus, in order to a chemical-biological prospection in fruits of the Tocantins savannah, the aim of this work was to characterize the B. tomentosa fruits collected in the central and southern regions of Tocantins State, about some of its physical, physical-chemical and biochemical properties. The fruits, for this study, were collected in two regions (Palmas and Gurupi) in Tocantins State and analyzed in the parameters: coloration, centesimal composition, pectin, soluble solids, pH and acidity, vitamin C content and phenolic compounds. The study obtained results demonstrate that the fruits are of a light yellow color, are acidic, have high values of °Brix and glycidic fraction (carbohydrates). However, the high levels of vitamin C (1.26 to 3.57 g ascorbic acid per 100 g of pulp) and phenolic compounds (2.93 to 4.20 g GAE 100 g-1) are noteworthy. This study evidences a great nutritional potential for the fruits of B. tomentosa.
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