Physiology of the forage cactus cultivate Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw under different irrigation frequencies in the Semiarid
Miranda, Jaciara Ribeiro; Furtado, Dermeval Araújo; Silva, Valquiria Cordeiro da; Dantas Neto, José; Souza, José Thyago Aires; Araújo, Jucilene Silva
Revista Ceres
ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to evaluate the physiological variables of the cultivar Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw in the first cycle and in the regrowth, under different frequencies of drip irrigation, cultivated in the Agreste da Paraíba mesoregion. Therefore, a randomized block design was used, with 2 treatments (irrigation frequencies) and 4 replications (blocks), with each treatment repeated 3 times within the block (triplicate) totaling 24 experimental plots. For physiological variables, data were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means compared by t test at 5% probability using SAS ® (2002). The present study shows that the stress of environmental conditions had a greater impact on the frequency of irrigation every 28 days, since the forage cactus irrigated every 7 days had the highest internal concentration of CO2; CO2 absorption rate; instant efficiency in water use; intrinsic efficiency of water use; instantaneous carboxylation efficiency, both in the first cycle and in the regrowth period. Respiratory rate and stomatal conductance did not differ between irrigation frequencies for both cycles, showing the good adaptation of the cultivar to the semiarid region.
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