Planejamento e projeto de sistemas sustentaveis para produção de alimentos pela abordagem do ecodesenvolvimento : bases metodologicas e estudo de caso




A methodology is proposed for conception, planning and project of agro-industrial systems, in order to design them as "sustainable" taking into account their economic efficiency, relationship with ecosystem and quality of life offered to population involved in production and consumption. The methodology developed has the support of several theoretical concepts as sustainable development, eco-development, integrated food-energy systems and appropriate technology. The methodology is based in strong participatory frameworks: the community is responsible, collectedly, for the process, technology and organization definition; production systems conception and planning; definition of basics needs which would be attended. This methodology proposed was applied to case study, in order to incorporate an industrial food processing point of view to the socio-economic and environmental dynamic in one forest and agricultural community. News concepts, criterions and procedures were insert in the formulation and evaluation of traditional way for production units. A system for community production was projected to contribute to local social, ecological and economic sustainability. The production system took in consideration the quantitative and qualitative determination of local needs, demands, opportunities and potentials. Integrated process and appropriate technologies to local context was used. The project evaluation was perform which social, ecological and economic sustainability criterions. The case study was accomplish with the agricultural and forest traditional community in the Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station. The families resident in Cachoeira do Guilherme and Alto Rio Comprido establish the natural management and industrial processing of the palm "juçara" (Euterpe edulis M.) associated with local and traditional agriculture-forest succession system for rice production. The projected system could be qualified sustainable. Its consistency to the referential concepts of this work may contribute to sustainability investigation.


desenvolvimento economico - aspectos ambientais administração de projetos recursos naturais - conservação palmito alimentos - industria

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