The present work has for general objective to present a proposal of strategic planning for the company Agropecuária Rancho Queimado Ltda, located in great Florianópolis. The techniques of collection of data used for the development of the present study they went to the observation, the interview and the documental analysis. The collected data were treated in a descriptive and qualitative way through texts and illustrative illustrations. The indicative that served as base for the development of the proposal of strategic planning were: the) the sensitize; b) the definition of the business; c) the definition of the mission; d) the definition of the vision e) the definition of the values; f) the definition of the strategic objectives; g) the definition of the plans of actions; h) the implantation, the accompaniment and the evaluation. Of ownership of the strategic plan proposed for the company Agropecuária Rancho Queimado Ltda it can be concluded that different indicative can be mischievous in consideration when of the elaboration of the strategic planning, independent of the area. This because we have to understand the particularities of the area, as well as the institutional values, mainly. The indicative considered in the presented proposal they cannot be seen as a finished product, but, in construction process and permanent reconstruction. The strategic planning cannot be faced as a shirt of force ", but as an orientation guide. He should be built and lived in every moment, for all involved them with the administration of the company Agropecuária Rancho Queimado Ltda. this way, the managers of the researched company, as well as your members should change the form of thinking, with the intention of incorporating new values that come to favor the change and the learning of the involved in the process. The predisposition for the change can be stimulated through the implant, accompaniment and permanent evaluation of the strategic planning, since this is not harnessed to the patterns and bureaucratic values, aiming at the previsibility, the certainty and the inconsistent stability with a world in constant transformations.


strategic planning planejamento estratégico administracao

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