Plataforma multiware : suporte a objetos em tempo de execução




The fast growth of distributed processing has brought the necessity of standardizing the Open Distributed Processing (ODP). The reference Model of ODP proposes an architecture that supports distribution, internetworking and portability. In the ODP model the basic processing unit is the object. An object is composed of atributes (state) and interfaces (methods). The objects can be grouped within a cluster and the clusters can be grouped within a capsuIe. The grouping of objects (clusters and capsules) makes the object management easier. Objects can interact between them using rules as defined in the ODP model. The multiware plataform is a model that supports ODP. This model is useful to identify the several components and services of a ODP plataform. The proposal of this work is to provide one of the multiware plataform services, namely the run-time support for the objects: the creation of objects (with theirs atributes and interfaces), clusters and capsuIe as well as the communication mechanism between objects


sistemas operacionais distribuidos (computadores) unix (sistema operacional de computador) programação orientada a objetos (computação)

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